About benny\


This site is intended to be a reference, personal portfolio, and simply an avenue to discuss, learn and grow - for both myself and perhaps others as well. Essentially, this will be a personal mind dump, which is/will be comprised mostly of posts about programming, linux, gaming, and whatever else I get mixed up in. The site is relatively new, but I already see the benefits of writing about what I do.

You'll notice my site is very simple, and that is because I have issues with controlling the details (what programmer doesn't?!). I got fed up with all of the static site generators and website builders (especially ones that push you to use bloated JavaScript libraries), so I decided to write my own static site generator that was tailored to fit my needs exactly. I've set it up such that all my posts are actually gists written in Markdown/HTML that are pulled from Github. I've written it in both C# and Python - a post with the details to come soon! All in all, the site is a work in progress, and I hope to document its evolution!


I am benny\ - a mechanical engineer/software developer hybrid. I've been in love with technology since I played my first game of Wolfenstein on my 486. My interests include mechanical design, automation, linux, and gaming. My professional rundown can be found here.